It’s the subtle differences

I often get asked, “why is the i not capitalized in your children’s book?”

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Teachable Moments -fairness

Often the hardest things in life bring the greatest teachable moments.  When our kids experience something that is hard for them, it is our opportunity as their role models to lead them. Kids observe our every action and reaction to learn their habits. Think about it, from birth, all babies can do is watch and…

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My mom at her best!

The greatest gift my mom has given me is that I have seen her at her best.  Starting around when I was 8 years old, my mom started working with at-risk youth through our church which was located on the grounds of a youth correctional center. For over 25 years she has inspired kids to…

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1,886 miles without a DVD or DS?

I’m sure you have heard people say, “My kids can’t make it to the store without their DVD player or DS.”  Yikes!  When did a 5 minute trip in the car become a time for entertainment?

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kids birthday parties – stressful or fun?

Yesterday we returned home after dark exhausted from my boys birthday party.  Not the kind of stressful tired, but the “that was a blast” kind of tired.

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Thanks Tiger Mother!

Yaa! Finally the dialogue of parenting is out in the open thanks to all of the stir raised by the Tiger Mother.  If you agree with “Tiger Mom” Amy Chua or not that is individual, at least people are talking about parenting styles consciously.

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Parenting Rocks!

Parenting is natural, kinda like rocks.  Some rocks catch your eye immediately, others gleem after polishing, some are rough, but they are all GEMS!  Each rock is unique, just like in each child and parent are unique and so are our daily experiences. A few days ago I felt like my path was full of…

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all bundled up!

There is something heroic in me that happens after I return home from walking my kids to school in the near zero weather.  The crisp air just feels good to the lungs, the exercise first thing in the morning is so great for the body.  My boys are so proud that they walk to school,…

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Nature, as good as it gets!

  Nature is as good as it gets to nourishing one’s soul.  This morning I just was not in the swing of things.  It was nearly noon and I had not accomplished much other than eating..

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That’s dangerous!

Yesterday as we were walking home from school a youngster energetically bounded up a 5 foot hill on the playground.  The mother shouted, “that’s dangerous!” A hill?  Since when does a hill become dangerous? The next sentence was, “you’ll get your pants dirty.” Yes, I know clothes cost money and stains can be hard to get out…

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