Are Strengths and Weaknesses Interchangeable?

If you were asked to write a list of your strengths and weaknesses, how many qualities would be on both sides? So often in life we think that our strengths are our best personality traits and many quietly ignore their weaknesses, secretly hoping that makes them go away. What if your strengths and weaknesses were…

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Love Your Pet? Why Our Connection To Animals Matters

For months one of my sons has been quietly asking for an animal.  He feels so deeply connected to animals that sometimes we have to stop on the bike path just to make sure that the squirrel made it up the tree safely or that the ants got across before a bike squashed them. He…

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30 Days of Gratitude Project

How would your life be enriched through consciously being grateful for 30 days? What would you notice more? How would it change your life? Join the community as we begin the 30 Days of Gratitude Project!!

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Our Kids Are Listening

Words, one of the most powerful weapons we have as humans.  (Yes, I just said weapons, you didn’t misread it). We all know that old saying, “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.”   While there is some truth to that and there is also a lot of untruth.

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How Does Technology Affect Kids Today?

Technology has a way of creeping slowly into our lives.  For years we existed without cell phones, but now that they exist, most people cannot imagine how to function without a cell phone on their hip or in their purse.  The question becomes,

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For the Love of Nature

Our house is filled with leaves, twigs, rocks, feathers, acorns…if it has to do with nature, it is probably in our house.  One of my sons has even asked to keep a little mouse skull that he found so that he can study it and learn from it!!! As you have probably guessed, my boys…

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Things Are Not What They Seem

The other day as I was cooking supper in the kitchen, my son came in and asked if he could go down to the bike path by himself.  He wanted to explore the tall grasses and little creek. As much as I knew he would be fine, I said, “No, not now.” As soon as…

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How Technology is Becoming a Crutch

Walk into any home and you will find that electronics largely outnumber the people living in the actual home.   According to the EPA most households own 24 electronics! Does anyone else find this disturbing???? As a teacher and parent, I can firmly say,

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Teaching Kids Responsibility Through Work

What started out as a fun way to earn some extra dollars for the summer, turned into one of the greatest confidence builders and real life skills lesson opportunity for my boys.

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Striving for Mediocre – The Parenting Crisis

We have a parenting crisis going on in America.  It is right before people’s eyes and most do not even know it.  Most people are too busy rolling their eyes to even notice.

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