Nature, as good as it gets!


Nature is as good as it gets to nourishing one’s soul.  This morning I just was not in the swing of things.  It was nearly noon and I had not accomplished much other than eating..

Then my son asked me to go outside and play in the snow that was falling.  We bundled up and headed out.
The snow was gently falling, so perfectly.  Little bits of grass poked up through the snow.  Soon we were laughing as we slid down the hill onto the bikepath.  The crisp air did not seem cold, but rather refreshing.  We tried this hill and that often sledding into a slew of taller weeds that surrounded the little frozen creek.  “This is the greatest day ever!”  my son breakfast.  Then my son asked me to go outside and play in the snow that was falling.  We bundled up and headed out.While it certainly was magical, wonderful and exactly what I needed,  you also have to know this happy little boy thinks nearly every day is the greatest day ever.  He is my child that reminds me to see the joy in everything everyday.

Later my husband and my other son went out.   I could hear them coming up the hill laughing recounting their times down the hill.   They too thought it was the greatest day ever.   He is my child that reminds me to always grow as a parent, to believe in the best.


Out in nature is where we have our greatest moments as a family.   It is our peace.   It is where we reconnect to what is important.

About The Author

Summer Brackhan

Mom, sociologist, teacher, author, musician, world traveler, parenting and health coach who believes healthy living incorporates body, mind and soul and that life is not about living in little boxes, but experiencing everything at its fullest.

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