Natural Remedies for Colds that I Keep Stocked

Today my sister inspired me to share with you the 5 natural remedies for colds items that are always stocked in my house.  As she was driving home feeling quite ill from a cold I rattled off the list below.

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gluten free banana bread

How to Go Gluten Free

Going gluten free can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be.  Looking back at our journey, it is actually quite easy once you get your mind into it.  Here are 5 tips and pitfalls to avoid.

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Is your sunscreen safe or causing more problems?

With rates of skin cancer rising parents are lathering their children with sunscreen. Does this help or does it add to the problem?  It all depends upon the ingredients.

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natural acid reflux remedies

Cultured Veggies for Acid Reflux in Babies

Sadly, reflux in babies is becoming very common, but it does not need to be.  Is there a magic pill for reflux in babies?  Well, this comes pretty close.  If you know a baby (or even an adult for that matter) who has acid reflux or GERD they will directly benefit from cultured vegetables.

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why junk food mom?

While checking out at my favorite grocery store (hint starts with Trader ends with oes) my son said to me, “Mom, why are you buying all that junk food?”   As an obsessed health nut, this really made me pause and look at my purchase.  Carrots – check.  Snap peas -check.  Raisins – check.  Cashews…

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Sugar obsession

I am mad this morning, steaming mad!  As I was falling asleep last night I could hear my son coughing trying to get some new gunk out of his throat.  Up until now I could count on 1 hand how many times my twin 6 year olds were sick.  Why don’t my kids get sick? …

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food dye reaction

It is a cold or food dye reaction?

So your child has a constant runny nose, is it really a cold or could it be a food dye reaction? Artificial food dyes started creeping into our food to make it look more presentable, more fun. I mean who could resist these brightly colored gobs? Quickly, artificial food dyes became the perfect marketing tool…

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