Natural Remedies for Colds that I Keep Stocked

Today my sister inspired me to share with you the 5 natural remedies for colds items that are always stocked in my house.  As she was driving home feeling quite ill from a cold I rattled off the list below.

If you are new to natural remedies think of it this way, our bodies were built to work when given a healthy foundation.

1. PROBIOTICS  –  Probiotics are the good armies in your body.  They help assimilate nutrients and most importantly keep the good bacteria in balance.  This is important because the strength of your immune system’s response is linked to your gut bacteria.   In-Liven is great to use daily to keep your gut bacteria strong while providing you with great minerals.  Our boys call liquid probiotics “tangy” since they are effervescent.

2.  ELDERBERRY in some form.  There are elderberry syrups, teas, cough drops and of course the real thing in food form.  Think of it as an immune system kickstart.  It has shortened our sore throats and even held off colds from starting.  If we start to sniffle, elderberry to the rescue!

3. HONEY and LEMONS–  Honey is known as a great healer.  It helps coat the throat and fight infection.  Lemon is naturally antibacterial and is high in vitamin C  It also helps to return the body to an alkaline state so it can heal faster.  Heat up a little water, or better yet, green tea and add honey and lemon.

4.  EUCALYPTUS Essential Oil –  Eucalyptus essential oil is so great at clearing stuffed nasal passages it is what Vick’s based their formula on.  Place a few drops on a cotton ball and leave in the room overnight.  If my kids are stuffy they always ask for it.  It works quickly so expect them to blow their nose at first, but then it will help clear the nasal passages.

5.  LAVENDER Oil  –  Think of lavender oil as the “all purpose”  essential oil.  It has the ability to do what your body needs.  It works great for relaxation, headaches and overall yucky feeling.

So there you have it, that is what is ALWAYS stocked in my cupboard.  For your convenience I even linked to our sister company so you know what brands we use.

If natural doesn’t work for you there is only one thing you need to do, take an honest look at your life.  Are you getting enough sleep?  Are you stressed?  Are you maxing out your body by eating poorly?  As mentioned before our bodies are designed to work efficiently.  IF you are not treating your body right it is like putting sand in your gas tank and expecting it to run!

Stock your cupboard with natural remedies for colds and you will stay healthy the natural way.  : )

In health,

Summer Joy

p.s. Legally I have to have a disclaimer stating the fact that I am not a doctor or that this is medical advice.  I am simply sharing our experience and knowledge.   It is up to you to make your own decisions.  Decide wisely ; )

About The Author

Summer Brackhan

Mom, sociologist, teacher, author, musician, world traveler, parenting and health coach who believes healthy living incorporates body, mind and soul and that life is not about living in little boxes, but experiencing everything at its fullest.

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