The Power of Listening

When was the last time you felt that someone was really listening to you?  A time that you felt they genuinely heard what you said.  A time that they were not distracted, but listening attentively?

When was the last time you listened to someone without interrupting them?  Without being distracted?

Our world is noisy.  Very noisy.  TV’s, radios, iPods, cars, people talking and shouting, chairs moving, refrigerators humming.  It sometimes makes me want to cringe!

For those of you who know me well you will definitely agree that I am very animated.  You might think that I love talking more than listening.  Well, the truth is, I love (in fact I crave) quiet time.

Quite time meaning being curled up in a chair reading and just sipping tea, but also the quiet time in my head that occurs when I am listening to someone speak.

When we are really listening to someone else without interruption or without formulating our responses in our head, it can be absolutely liberating to the brain. It literally quiets the brain.

So much learning and growth comes from listening.

Young kids ask questions all day long.   They aren’t asking to fill up space, they are asking to listen.  By listening, they learn from your answer/response.

When was the last time you took time to listen to your kids?

I don’t mean listening to the kids tattling on one another.  I mean really listening to what they each have to say.  Asking your them how their day was and then looking them straight in the eye giving your them your full-undivided attention.

If you are experiencing behavior issues with your child, try sitting down with them and creating listening moments each day.  A listening moment is when the child can talk about what is on their mind and you as the parent do not give advice, but simply listen (and maybe ask a few questions to get things started.)

You will be amazed at what comes about through these listening moments.  There is a healing power in listening.  There is validation through listening.  Peace comes about through listening.  Listening is one of the most powerful things you can do as part of your parenting style.


So this week, listen to your body, listen to the words you choose to speak and listen intently to someone whom you love.

~Summer Joy


p.s. Great thanks to the amazing listener who inspired this post.  You know who you are – I rattled off for an hour and you quietly listened and asked questions.  Through that process I became aware of what I needed to do to continue to move forward with grace and I thank you.

About The Author

Summer Brackhan

Mom, sociologist, teacher, author, musician, world traveler, parenting and health coach who believes healthy living incorporates body, mind and soul and that life is not about living in little boxes, but experiencing everything at its fullest.

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