Confessions of a Health Coach

I have a confession to make.  It might make you gasp, in fact I’m sure it will…  If you are ready for it, keep reading.  If not, well, it doesn’t matter here it goes…

There is ICE CREAM in my freezer.  I crave chocolate.  I ate a funnel cake at the fair last week and I just broke down in tears.


So many people are surprised when they find out I eat “bad foods” every once in awhile.  They think I never cry because I’m always smiling.

So why are people surprised?

Well maybe because in our lives we often think that other people have it “more together” than we do.  We think they are perfect and we just might be flawed.  But in reality, none of us are flawed.

I love ice cream and chocolate as much as you do.  I also have days that I wake up cranky.  Sometimes I want to cry -so I do.  I release the fear that I felt that made me want to cry and move forward  (and then write a blog post about it.  haha!).  End the end I am smiling because I have learned that nothing really is that big of a deal.  There are always blessings in our lives everyday.

We all are on a journey of growth.  Just because you ate ice cream does not make you any weaker of a person just like it doesn’t make me any less of a health coach.

Our lives are whole.  Yes, the parts make them up, but we are not defined by the parts.  We are not really defined by anything, other than what we wish to be.

So stop worrying about if you crave sweets.  We all do.  It really isn’t about the sweets.  It is about loving yourself enough to know that what you do on a daily basis is incredible.  What you have to contribute to the world is incredible.  You are incredible.

If we focus on our “mistakes” we forget to focus on the amazing.  Thomas Edison  once said,

I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.

See yourself as amazing.  See yourself for the beauty.   See yourself as someone you love.

Forget the ice cream.  Relish the times that you nourish your body with whole, healthy foods.  Eat more things that come from the earth and then party once in awhile with some chocolate.  It’s ok.  Laugh a lot and cry a little if you need to.  Just be honest with yourself.

I am continually inspired by my health coaching clients.  Each one of them is blooming everyday.  They have so much strength.  It takes an incredible amount of strength to say, “I know I am capable of more and I am ready for change.”  For some the change is scary and for others it is liberating.  However each one of them is honest about how they feel, how things are going and what is really happening in their lives.   They are learning to love their lives, every part of it – the kale and the carrots down to the occasional chocolate.  The happiness along with the tears that sometimes flow when we release our fears and realize just how amazing we are as humans.

So go ahead and Be You!

If you want, get crazy and take advantage of a FREE Health History.    Don’t worry,  I won’t reprimand you for eating chocolate, but will praise you for being honest and loving yourself just a little bit more.

To quote Thomas Edison again,

If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.


Summer Joy


About The Author

Summer Brackhan

Mom, sociologist, teacher, author, musician, world traveler, parenting and health coach who believes healthy living incorporates body, mind and soul and that life is not about living in little boxes, but experiencing everything at its fullest.

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