The Whole Life Approach to Autism, Aspergers, ADD and ADHD

Recently I picked up a book written by Dr. Martha Herbert of the Harvard Medical School that is so amazing it is a must share for parents who have children experiencing Autism, Aspergers, ADD and ADHD. The title of the book says it all The Autism Revolution: Whole-Body Strategies for Making Life All It Can Be

What I have found over the years is that everything, I mean everything is connected in our body.

When our body is nourished everything works properly. When our body is missing nutrients or is stressed it lets us know by responding in various ways that are obvious clues.

To this day, I have never met a child who has Austim, Aspergers or even ADD or ADHD that does not have some type of digestive problem, food allergy, frequent colds, ear infections, rashes, etc. Their bodies simply are not well at a basic level.

By using the whole body or what I like to call Whole Life Approach we can begin to see how everything is connected and how changing one thing can make a huge difference.

I have personally known kids who when they remove wheat from their diet their intense anger issues disappear.  Children can have even bigger leaps when probiotics (which enable their gut to assimilate the much needed nutrients) are added to the diet.

For other kids simply changing the schedule or creating listening moments will make a big impact.

For others, music is key. A child with behavior or speech difficulties can express themselves safely through music.

When looking at Autism, Aspergers, ADD and ADHD, progress is made through the lens of looking at it as a whole, verses in parts.  Through the whole perspective you can see how one change can start and create many positive domino responses.

This is why I love the book below.  In an easy to read and easy to grasp format it gives insight, options and concrete examples that incorporate the Whole Life Approach.

As I was reading this book (I have to admit I have a few pages left) I kept saying, yes, yes, yes, this is exactly the approach I believe in and am taking with in my health coaching.  Recently I developed a unique program using music as a healer called, Building Life Skills Through Music 6 Month Program. In this program children will gain new skills through the medium of music. The program is especially beneficial when combined with 6 Months to  Happier You (and Family!) to gain the whole life approach incorporating food and lifestyle changes.

I am so thankful to have found the book The Autism Revolution.  I encourage you to read it even if you do not directly know someone with Autism, for everyone can benefit from learning more about how everything is connected in life.

There are options out there to explore and it is true, there can be days with less stress and more joy!  Believe it, Live it~

Thinking of you,

Summer Joy

About The Author

Summer Brackhan

Mom, sociologist, teacher, author, musician, world traveler, parenting and health coach who believes healthy living incorporates body, mind and soul and that life is not about living in little boxes, but experiencing everything at its fullest.

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