7 Step Personal Stress Management Plan for Busy Parents

Let’s face it, most of us are busy.  But with a good personal stress management plan, you can make your life feel like it is on auto pilot and that you are sailing smoothly on easy street. How do I know?  Because last fall I created a personal stress management plan after going through a…

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Confessions of a Health Coach

I have a confession to make.  It might make you gasp, in fact I’m sure it will…  If you are ready for it, keep reading.  If not, well, it doesn’t matter here it goes…

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Why I Am So Happy

If you see me out and about I guarantee you will see a smile on my face.  If not, then I must be concentrating on something.  Wait a moment and the smile will appear, along with the spring in my step. In this world full of tense, stressed out, unhappy people somehow it just doesn’t seem real

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How Nature Reduces Stress

The other weekend we were all feeling a bit stir crazy! Our to-do list was huge and our kids were loud.  Not a good combo.  We knew that we had to do something to reduce the stress in our house, but what?

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food dye reaction

Why I Happily Gave Into My Sugar Cravings

Yesterday I ate more sugar than I probably have in the entire last year and for the first time in about 5 years I did not feel guilty about it! What I have come to realize through my path at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition is that sugar cravings are natural.  We all have them.  But…

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