Crockpot Apple Butter – Easiest Ever!

At the base of my stairs I have quite a few apples freshly picked from a farm near here.  As I was contemplating what to do (I’ve made apple sauce, apple crisp, apples and peanut butter etc.) my mom said, “Why not make apple sauce in the crockpot?”  This is why I call my mom everyday, I swear in every conversation she makes my life easier.  🙂

Excitedly I ran downstairs to my apple stash and immediately set up my table with a cutting board, ready to fling the little chunks of apple into my crockpot.

About 15 minutes later I had filled the crockpot nearly to the brim, added 1/3 cup of water, sprinkled some cinnamon on and walked away.

At 4am I was awoken by the most beautiful smell, warm apple sauce.  Drifting back to sleep I swear my mouth was watering!!!

When my alarm went off this morning I sprinted (well ok, I walked) to the kitchen excited to peek at the apple sauce.  Lifting the lid, I peered in on some pretty dark apples.  Must be the cinnamon I thought…

As I stirred the apples I quickly realized I had made apple butter, not apple sauce!

After adding about 2 tablespoons of honey, it was delish!

We rarely have bread in our house since my son is gluten-free, but I happened to buy some on a whim the other day.  Perhaps it was my subconscious knowing I would be making something yummy.

As you can tell, there is a little bit of apple butter on here.  haha!

Now for the RIDICULOUSLY EASY crockpot apple butter recipe…

Crockpot Apple Butter

10 Apples (peeled and diced)

1/3 Cup of Water

1 Tablespoon of Cinnamon

2 Tablespoons of Honey


1. Placed the diced apples in the crockpot.

2.  Add 1 Tablespoon of Cinnamon

3.  Add 1/3 Cup of Water.

4.  Turn crockpot on low and leave on overnight

5. In the morning, stir apples and add 2 Tablespoons of Honey.

It doesn’t get much easier than this!!!!  I LOVE fall and all of the yummy treats that come as a result  🙂

What your favorite fall flavors or foods that you look forward to?  Please share your favorites in the comments below.





About The Author

Summer Brackhan

Mom, sociologist, teacher, author, musician, world traveler, parenting and health coach who believes healthy living incorporates body, mind and soul and that life is not about living in little boxes, but experiencing everything at its fullest.


  • Lauren

    Reply Reply October 6, 2013

    Sounds delicious! I’ll be trying this tomorrow night! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    • Summer Joy

      Reply Reply October 6, 2013

      Your welcome Lauren! My husband said the apple butter was even tastier today after the flavors sat for a bit and had a chance to mingle… 🙂

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