Celebrate “Food Day” by Eating Real Food!

Today is Food Day as proclaimed by Center for Science in the Public Interest.

In honor of food day here are some questions to get you started thinking about your relationship with food.

Do you lean towards healthy foods or “easy” foods?

Do you create fresh meals or do your ingredients come from a box?

Why do you like certain foods?

Our relationship with food has become dominated by the pre-packaged industry .   Our shelves are filled with boxes and cans.  Check out your grocery cart next time you go shopping.  Is there more fresh food than packaged in your cart?

Take back your relationship with food and make decisions for you and your family that nourish your body, not just fill it with stuff.

If you need ideas of how to get started, try a  “real food” makeover.  I love the information in this article, except the low-fat milk.  Please give your kids whole milk.  Our brains are made up of fatty tissue and kids (and adults) need healthy fats to carry nutrients to the brain.

When you eat well, you will feel even better.  If you think you feel good now, improve your healthy eating habits for just 1 week and then return to this blog to share your story of change.

Perhaps you have not felt good for so long that it has become your new baseline and you think you feel good.  Today I had a headache for the first time in 7 weeks.  I cannot believe that headaches used to be my baseline!  You might be very surprised with the results of your healthy eating challenge!

I am looking forward to reading your stories in the comment section below~  See you soon~

To your health,

Summer Joy

About The Author

Summer Brackhan

Mom, sociologist, teacher, author, musician, world traveler, parenting and health coach who believes healthy living incorporates body, mind and soul and that life is not about living in little boxes, but experiencing everything at its fullest.

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