board games and ice cream!

With the heat index near 109 degrees the other day the boys and I decided unanimously on board games and ice cream.

We poured whole milk, lankato and vanilla into our ice cream maker and then off to the cool basement for Eric Carle’s ABC game.

A number of parents have said to me, “Really your kids play board games?  We don’t because mine whine too much if they lose.”  Their whining over loosing is exactly why playing board games is a good idea.  The thing with parenting is that if you avoid something when kids are little because it is hard or annoying, it will become a huge hassle later down the road.

Board games rock the parenting world because critical thinking, decision-making skills, patience, honesty and of course good sportsmanship come into play from the moment the child picks which piece they are going to be.

When we first started playing Candyland a few years back the boys  had a hard time loosing.  We kept playing though and stated that whining was not an option.  They heard each time, “Life is about enjoying the experience, not winning every time.  The fun is in not knowing how the game will end.”   A few more games down the road and they were laughing regardless if they won or not.  Do they like to win, of course – who doesn’t?  But more importantly they can congratulate someone else for winning with ease.

Board games create not only memories but teachable moments that your children will carry with them throughout their lives!

What are some of your favorite board games to play as a family?  My sister always finds the best games out there and shares them with us!

~Summer Joy

About The Author

Summer Brackhan

Mom, sociologist, teacher, author, musician, world traveler, parenting and health coach who believes healthy living incorporates body, mind and soul and that life is not about living in little boxes, but experiencing everything at its fullest.

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